Tulips Inside!

Did you know that you can plant tulips inside?!

All of our 100% pre-chilled Winter Collection tulips are so cool they can go into a planter indoors, or on a balcony or patio.

Perfect for renters, apartment dwellers, or anyone who wants some spring cheer inside their home. Of course, these beauties can also thrive in the ground with all of your other bulbs, but we think they are just the cutest blooming in their own planter.
Keep reading for more information on what makes these bulbs so special, and how we are growing them this season!

What are Pre-Chilled tulips?

Tulips can come in many different varieties, in color, shape, heights, and blooming times. Regardless of their differences, all tulips need a certain amount of "chilling hours" in order to bloom. Tulips typically grow in cooler mild climates, think Holland for example. There's a reason some of the most gorgeous tulip fields are there, it's because they have the perfect weather to grow tulips.

Pre-chilled bulbs have been kept in a cool environment (aka a refrigerator) so that they are ready to plant when they get to your garden! This means that you don't have to wait or clear out fridge space to produce some of the best blooms.

In many climates in the United States non-chilled tulips will tend to be shorter and will produce smaller blooms. So as well as being able to plant your bulbs on a schedule that works for you, your HHF bulbs will also bloom taller and larger than anything you will find at your regular garden store.

At Happy Hour Flowers we want you to have the most impressive tulips possible, so we have curated several Winter Collections that will bloom in 4-6 weeks after planting!

What are 5C tulips?

5C tulips are in a category of pre-chilled tulips. 5C means that they have been 100% pre-chilled and are ready to be planted as soon as they arrive, no waiting necessary. Because these flowers are the "coolest", they don't even need to go in the outdoor soil. These bulbs can be planted indoors, on a patio, balcony, or even in a vase with water.

*This means that you no longer need to fear deer or other wildlife munching on bulbs and flowers*

Have we caught your attention yet? Keep reading to learn how to grow your "cool" new bulbs!

Planting Indoors!

As with most spring flowers, these bulbs love to be in the sunshine. While indirect light is okay, these tulips will bloom quicker if they are in a bright and sunny room (about 4 weeks!). The cooler the room they are kept in, the longer they will take to bloom.


Tip: A 10" pot will hold up to 20 bulbs!

Tulips should be planted about 1" apart, we like to "lasagna" plant, which is just our way of saying we layer bulbs.

  1. Peel off any brown casing from the tulip.
  2. Plant first layer of bulbs 1" apart on top of 4" of potting soil.
  3. Bulbs should be planted with the "pointy" side facing upwards.
  4. Cover with 2" of potting soil.
  5. Place another layer of bulbs 1" apart.
  6. Cover with another 2" of potting soil.
  7. Water well

For the first week after planting, your pot should be placed in a dark spot. Anywhere that does not get a lot of natural light. After a week your bulbs can go anywhere! Just make sure to water them when the top inch of the soil is dry (about once a week).

Our favorite spots are on a kitchen table or in a window sill!

Planting Outdoors!

These tulips also love to be outdoors! They are the perfect splash of color for any patio, walkway, or balcony.


Tip: A 10" pot will hold up to 20 bulbs!

Tulips should be planted about 1" apart, we like to "lasagna" plant, which is just our way of saying we layer bulbs.

  1. Peel off any brown casing from the tulip.
  2. Plant first layer of bulbs 1" apart on top of 4" of potting soil.
  3. Bulbs should be planted with the "pointy" side facing upwards.
  4. Cover with 2" of potting soil.
  5. Place another layer of bulbs 1" apart.
  6. Cover with another 2" of potting soil.
  7. Water well

After planting outdoors keep an eye on your bulbs and water the soil when the top inch feels dry (about once a week).

Follow us for more Tulip Planting tips.


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