Dahlias and Peonies made EASY!

How To Feel Like a Garden Pro: Grow Dahlias and Peonies!

Dahlias and Peonies come from Tubers. Think Alien Sweet Potato

Growing Tubers is really easy, even if you don't spend all day and night in the garden (like some of us... yes, Mary we are looking at you!). What if we told you that you don't even need a garden.


All you need is dirt, sun, and warmth. Whether you grow these stunners in the ground or in a pot, we've got you covered.

Peonies bloom from mid-late spring.

Dahlias bloom in the summer and fall, which makes them the perfect following act to any spring blooms you may have.

Every Dahlia is Special!

No, really! Did you know that all dahlia seeds are genetically unique? You may find that some of your blooms will look every so slightly different than the others. This is just one of the many reasons we love this flower.

Aside from their slight variations, there are also many different styles of Dahlia, here are some of our favorites:

Dinnerplate Dahlias

These incredible blooms will grow to about the size of your head! They are showstoppers both in the garden and in any arrangement.


Decorative Dahlias

This is shape that you probably picture when you think of a Dahlia. With too many varieties to count, and they're all special!



Pompon and Ball Dahlias

What we affectionately call "Button Boys" look like little globes of fun. They can be tiny, they can be big, but they're always so impressive.


Anemone Dahlias

These are the best of both worlds, imagine a decorative dahlia with a bold ruffled center. They have people saying "is that really a dahlia?", pretty cool!



Convinced yet? Here's how to grow these stunners.

What to Expect

Dahlias grow from seeds, cuttings, and tubers. We cut out a lot of work for you (No need to thank us, it's our pleasure!) and provide tuber clumps - Which may produce up to 20 blooms. Tuber clumps can be divided and planted throughout your garden or multiple pots (we only recommend this for advanced gardeners)!


Peonies and Dahlias are planted exactly the same way! They love to be in full sun, with plenty of drainage. As these clumps produce multiple blooms be sure to give them some room when planting. In these conditions they will grow 3-5 feet tall and 2+ feet wide!

Dahlias should be planted in the Spring, late April-May is when we will be planting ours! The soil temperature should be at least 60 degrees Fahrenheit.

  1. Dig an 8"x8" hole.
  2. Mix 3" of compost or planting mix into the hole.
  3. Lay tubers like an octopus, with the stem facing up.
  4. Cover with 5" of loose soil and compost/planting mix.
  5. Press gently to remove any air pockets.
  6. Water in fresh planting.

Dahlias: 4-6 weeks after planting you should start to see little green shoots coming up from the soil. Water deeply once a week from that point on!

HHF Tip: Pinch off growing stems when the plant is 8-10" tall to increase the amount of flowering stems. Support and stake the stems as you would a tomato plant.

HHF Tip: Cut your blooms and pop them in a vase! The more flowers you cut, the more your plant will bloom!

Peonies: year one you may only get leaves. Peonies need a lot of winter chill hours to bloom and don’t like being moved. Be sure to water Peony June-July so the tuber produces flowers for the next year. Year 3-100 your peony will really get going!